Promoting your music is a minefield, I regularly get 100K plays, wanna know how? more The second Law of Music Marketing, if you can't be first.. more The first Law of Music Marketing, the importance of being first more The elenth and final Law of Music Marketing, cover yourself by planning for a future more The tenth law, and the best way to consolidate your career in the music industry is publicity more The ninth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of networking and resources more The eighth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of Synchronicity, timing, and luck more The seventh Law of Music Marketing, the Rule of 7 Read this to find out what it is. more The sixth Law of Music Marketing, the law of sacrific more The fifth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of focus more The forth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of perception more The third Law of Music Marketing, the importance of the mind more A necessary evil? Can't live with them, can't live without them. Music industry networking, tips on how to pick a manager more WIll Brexit restrictions limit access for UK musicians to tour the UK in 2022? more If I could find a trumpeter with the balls to play in the same soundspace as Miles I'd use him. more Wanna know what pedals, amps, guitars, plugins, DAW and more I use? I spill the beans here. more Don't buy a MIDI breath controller without reading this, it will save you money. more These tips and tricks for harmony and arrangement will soon have you sounding like Earth, Wind and Fire more A collection of grooves I have written and that I play instrumentally download A collection of backing tracks that you can jam over download |