Jazz album `One Man Band (album)` by Benny Sutton is a cover instrumental

One Man Band (album)
One Man Band (album)

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Play: One Man Band (album)

An album of original tunes released Sept 2016. The concept is going back to my jazz/funk roots of a 4 peice band playing dance tunes that would go down well live. I play all instruments, arrange, and produce the track.

  1. Eddie's Groove for Eddie Harris
    Eddie's Groove for Eddie Harris
  2. Funk in da House
    Funk in da House
  3. I sorta got a feeling
    I sorta got a feeling
  4. Tangiers - fusion track
    Tangiers - fusion track
  5. Never Here
    Never Here
  6. Price Tag
    Price Tag
  7. Cold Duck Time
    Cold Duck Time
  8. Blue Samba
    Blue Samba
  9. Goin' Home
    Goin' Home
  10. Bossa Nuevo
    Bossa Nuevo
  11. Out Of Sight
    Out Of Sight