What if Jimi and Miles Davis had collaborated in the 80's? It would sound modern for sure. Marcus Miller would be producer and playing bass.
I play or sequence all instruments on this pastiche in the style of Big Time.
The actual Miles classic track 'Big Time' is on the 1989 Amandla album. My Big Time groove has some orchestral hits like on another Marcus/Miles track Tutu (the title track of Miles' Tutu album).
For full Miles Davis discography click here
Jimi Meets Miles - Big Time is a cover track originally written by Marcus Miller.
This cover track was first made available on this website in 2016 though recording precedes that. Non-Mechanical Copyright remains with the original author and can be fully ascertained from registrations with the appropriate representatives.
Jimi Meets Miles - Big Time is a jazz and pop and rock and Rhythm and and and Blues track.
Benny Sutton plays all instruments on Jimi Meets Miles - Big Time especially with emphasis to guitar and keyboards (unless otherwise noted). All other instruments are virtual (VST) and either played directly as MIDI from a MIDI keyboard or sequenced directly into a MIDI editor.
Benny also does all arrangements, produces, and engineers all recordings in his home studio using Cubase as his DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
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