Hear "Grooves (album)" by Benny Sutton it's a groove instrumental cover album popular on Soundcloud charts

Grooves (album)
Grooves (album)

Download Grooves (album) here as an MP3


This album is about the groove, about chasing it, and sometimes catching it!

I was aiming for the vibe first and foremost. It's unapologetically feet tapping, sending brain worms to fire the feel-good synapses. It's mainly a keyboard album - not much guitar this time - but when it's there it's me at my best! in the style of Herbie Hancock, Jacob Collier, Vulfpeck with some Larry Carlton thrown in!

  1. Miles Higher
    Miles Higher
  2. Here, There and Everywhere
    Here, There and Everywhere
  3. Smiley Face
    Smiley Face
  4. Caribbean
  5. Tribute to George Duke
    Tribute to George Duke
  6. Absent Friends
    Absent Friends
  7. Hot Gossip
    Hot Gossip
  8. Naima