You'll love `Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis Collaboration ALBUM` by Benny Sutton if you like jazz

Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis Collaboration ALBUM
Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis Collaboration ALBUM

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Play: Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis Collaboration ALBUM

The intriguing concept of this album is what it could have sounded like had Jazz and Rock giant Jimi Hendrix and Jazz Legend Miles Davis jammed together.

  • It is daring challenge that takes some balls. Much effort has been made at creating some highly energy and improvised directions that Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis might possibly have taken. This album reminds us just how good Jazz Fusion was as a genre.
  • Assumptions have been made, for example that both Miles and Jimi would have evolved, so don't expect the obvious. Artistic license has been exercised, the band sound is more based on the Miles Davis band of the 80's. And why not? That band featured bass legend Marcus Miller!
  • For Fuck's sake - it's a Pastiche - don't get judgemental!
  • attacks Jimi's guitar parts intelligently, not playing Jimi's licks note for note, rather getting in the zone and riding it. Sometimes it hits the mark, others not so much, but when it does it feels recognizably Jimi and quite often sounds like the man himself could have played it. At times psychedelic, the blend of Miles and Jimi works perfectly to take you to a place no other concept could.
  • Another impressive innovation is the virtual trumpet, it's accurate in both in Miles' tone and style. Amazingly Ben Sutton wrote these parts and played them (into MIDI using a keyboard synthesizer).

You may come to this album primarily as a Jimi fan and you will not be disappointed. However, if you're not already familiar with Miles Davis, this will hopefully encourage you to explore his work. Miles was every bit the magician Jimi was. Both were so out in the stratosphere as musicians - and as forces of nature!

The two of them together would have produced fireworks and this album has high energy, improvisation, and interplay in abundance. The album is balanced in that both Jimi and Miles tracks are attempted, each getting a hint of how the other would have contributed.

  1. Jimi Meets Miles - All Along The Watchtower
    Jimi Meets Miles - All Along The...
  2. Jimi Meets Miles  #1 Right Off
    Jimi Meets Miles #1 Right Off
  3. Jimi Meets Miles - Big Time
    Jimi Meets Miles - Big Time
  4. Jimi Meets Miles  #7 Tutu
    Jimi Meets Miles #7 Tutu
  5. Jimi Meets Miles #2 If 6 were 9
    Jimi Meets Miles #2 If 6 were 9
  6. Jimi Meets Miles - Little Wing
    Jimi Meets Miles - Little Wing
  7. Jimi Meets Miles  #8 Hey Joe
    Jimi Meets Miles #8 Hey Joe
  8. Jimi Meets Miles  #6 Purple Haze
    Jimi Meets Miles #6 Purple Haze
  9. Jimi Meets Miles  #5 In a Silent Way
    Jimi Meets Miles #5 In a Silent...
  10. Jimi Meets Miles #14 Foxy Lady
    Jimi Meets Miles #14 Foxy Lady
  11. Jimi Meets Miles #15 So What?
    Jimi Meets Miles #15 So What?
  12. Jimi Meets Miles #4 Voodoo Chile
    Jimi Meets Miles #4 Voodoo Chile
  13. Jimi Meets Miles #10 Fire
    Jimi Meets Miles #10 Fire
  14. Jimi Meets Miles  #9 Castles Made of Sand
    Jimi Meets Miles #9 Castles Mad...
  15. Jimi Meets Miles #12 Third Stone from the Sun
    Jimi Meets Miles #12 Third Stone...