If only Jimi had played on the Miles Davis 1986 album Tutu along with Marcus Miller. How brilliant that would be! download

The classic Jimi groove revisited with a Miles solo at the end. I play or sequence all instruments on this pastiche in the style of Hey Joe. download

the classic Dylan track Hendrix made his own. Benny Sutton puts his own stamp on it. Do you recognise the bassline it starts with? It's almost Mich... download

WHAT IF... Jimi and Miles had played together on a high energy instrumental in the style of Foxy Lady? I play or sequence all instruments on my pas... download

What if... Miles and Jimi collaborated on the classic Miles track "In a Silent Way"? Jimi could carry a tune, as proven by his rendition of "Star S... download

What if... Miles and Jimi run the voodoo down on a groove similar to Jimi's classic Voodoo Child in the 1980's? Miles did a track called "Miles run... download

the complete album in HI-FI wave files download

What if Jimi and Miles Davis had collaborated in the 80's? It would sound modern for sure. Marcus Miller would be producer and playing bass. download

This is a collaboration with two very talented, original, and distinctive artistes - Vocalatti on vocals and Mark Dorricott on keyboards. It got 13... download

If Jimi and Miles had done a track in the style of Purple Haze in the 80's, they would have embraced synthesisers and funk. By then Jimi would prob... download

What if Jimi Hendrix played a groove like So What? In the 80's it would be more modern, tighter, and with a synth bass line! It might even be smoot... download

What if Jimi and Miles Davis played with Fire? Sparks would fly! I play or sequence all instruments on this pastiche in the style of Fire. download

Had Jimi and Miles did a track in the style of Castles Made of Sand, one of Hendrix's most beautiful, they would have captured its wistful qualitie... download

What if Jimi and Miles had collaborated in the 80's in the style of Jimi's "3rd Stone from the Sun" track? Marcus Miller would be the producer and ... download

A modern re-imagining of the classic Weather Report track by the cream of jazz players on Soundcloud. download

Nile Rodgers has played on over 2 Billion dollars worth of music! Yet, has he played one screaming guitar solo? Nope! So I play this Chic dance cla... download

I cannot believe that this track was written in the sixties, a great time for pop but a barren time for jazz. This was half a decade before jazz we... download

Classic 60's Retro pop song, ear candy ~Credits:~ download