Listen to and download "Ben's Collaborations (album)" by Benny Sutton it's one of the best jazz instrumental cover albums you'll hear this year!

Ben's Collaborations (album)
Ben's Collaborations (album)

Download Ben's Collaborations (album) here as an MP3


A collection of musical collaborations I have done. Collaborators include Mark Dorricott, Vocalatti and Ty

  1. Good times
    Good times
  2. Don't you remember the Good Times?  Feat. Vocalatti
    Don't you remember the Good ...
  3. Only You
    Only You
  4. Benny's Blues Feat. Mark Dorricott
    Benny's Blues Feat. Mark Dor...
  5. Nearly Dan
    Nearly Dan
  6. Nite Cruiser  Feat. Mark Dorricott
    Nite Cruiser Feat. Mark Dorricott
  7. Nite Cruiser
    Nite Cruiser
  8. Don't You Remember the Good Times
    Don't You Remember the Good ...
  9. Where Were You?
    Where Were You?
  10. My Secret Heart
    My Secret Heart