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Play: Nearly Dan
A selection of Steely Dan classics done as instrumental covers. I posted these tracks on Soundcloud initially and received an encouraging response.
Backstory of Nearly Dan
Once I started playing guitar again (in 2010) after a lengthy (20 years) layoff I automatically gravitated towards Steely Dan.
My guitar playing had recovered and in 2015 I'd been practising scales, learning more about music (especially reading) and investing in new software, I think it's paid off! I'm finally near where I want to be. Here's the results, enjoy!
Steely Dan Trivia: They're named after a dildo from the William Burroughs novel Naked Lunch. Donald Fagen recalled to Mojo magazine
We had to come up with a name in a hurry and Walter Becker and I were both Burroughs fans, though he was not known at the time. It was an in-joke- who's going to know what Steely Dan was? And we figured that, like most of our bands in the past, it would fall apart after three months, so we didn't think much about it.
Psssst! Want to know who played those solos? click here to go to this list of Steely Dan Guitarist Credits
Making this album of Steely Dan Covers
I got on a roll with this album doing most tracks in a matter of hours. I even did two in one day! The mixing took the most time. It's an album of Steely Dan's best tunes covered in modern genres! Still respectful of the originals I hope!
I'm a wannabe Steely Dan guitarist (for 30 years now) so, if you like this album then email me Donald - I will await your call with trepidation!