Is Spotify Linked to the decline in musical standards?I'm no snob but the digital age of music created the dual decline in musical standards and audience taste. more What is a music "Banger", and are they dying out?## I'm Worried... There Hasn't Been a Banger Since Mr. Brightside more Music Legends who are in the 27 ClubWant to know who the musicians are who achieve Legend staus by joining the 27 Club by dying tragically at age 27? more What Rick Beato won't tell you about suicide rates for musiciansHey, I'm Rick Beato's Biggest Fan but here's one topic he hasn't covered, but I hope he will: **musicians' mental health issues and the epidemic ... more Don't start a band in 2025 until you read this!It's the best feeling in the World to be in a band. Not just to play the music but to belong. To create. To go on a shared journey with like-minded... more What does Gen Z think about music?Rick Beato speculated video games occupy the place in teen culture music once did. Doesn't music have any value anymore? more What does ChatGPT say about the YouTube Algorithm?I asked ChatGPT to give me the YouTube Algorithm, what it said will surprise you! more The Oasis Revival 2025The much-anticipated Oasis reunion of 2024 has sent shockwaves through the music industry and fans alike. After years of animosity between Noel and... more What was the The Mersey Beat Boom and why did it happen?The Mersey Beat Boom, often referred to as the Mersey Sound, was a musical era in the early 1960s centered around Liverpool. It wasn’t just a sound... more The British Invasion of the US music charts in the 1960sThe British Invasion of the US music charts in the early 1960s was an upheaval in the world of pop music. With new and unique insights, facts, figu... more Why are British Bands so Popular in the U.S.?Enjoy an extended read with everything you need to know about why British Bands are so Popular in the U.S. more The Beatles: How they Conquered AmericaEnjoy an extended read and definitive version of how the Beatles became the biggest band in history, with new and unique insight into the greatest ... more Live Nation and Ticket Master are Killing Live MusicYou won't believe how blatant a scandal price gouging still is for concert ticket sales in 2025 - and it's legal! more Top 10 Searched Musicians on GoogleSome of the most googled musicians have been revealed through Google's 'Year in Search' report and other sources, showcasing a diverse array of art... more WTF is up with Taylor Swift?Taylor Swift has gone down in my estimation for her reticence to engage with the families of the three little girls who were tragically murdered at... more Famous three-piece bandsThe three-piece band format used to be the norm - where did they all go? They're not quite as extinct as you think more Famous musicians with drug problemsIt seems drug addiction is part of the Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle. Most Famous musicians widely reported with drug problems more The Most Famous collective bandsWant to know who are the most famous collective bands? more |