Who are the top musical artistes with a connection - no matter how tenuous, to the Big Apple? more

This page provides tools to calculate streaming revenue, gig revenue, and total annual earnings for musicians including a tool to estimate revenue ... more

This page provides a tool to estimate revenue from live music performances, including ticket sales, overheads, and manager fees. more

Want to know who the musicians are who achieve Legend staus by joining the 27 Club by dying tragically at age 27? more

Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond when you're promoting yourself or your band? Read this to find out. more

The first Law of Music Marketing, the importance of being first more

The tenth law, and the best way to consolidate your career in the music industry is publicity more

The elenth and final Law of Music Marketing, cover yourself by planning for a future more

The second Law of Music Marketing, if you can't be first.. more

The third Law of Music Marketing, the importance of the mind more

The forth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of perception more

The fifth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of focus more

The sixth Law of Music Marketing, the law of sacrific more

The seventh Law of Music Marketing, the Rule of 7 Read this to find out what it is. more

The eighth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of Synchronicity, timing, and luck more

The ninth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of networking and resources more

This page provides a tool to estimate revenue from various music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and more. more

Don't make a fool of yourself! What not to do to promote yourself on Facebook more

Don'r try Soundcloud promotion without reading this first. What NOT to do to promote yourself on Soundcloud more

I found some very sobering statistics in a piece I found somewhere (sorry, I lost the source link, let me know and I will credit you). more

Need some advice on how to prepare your tracks for SoundCloud? more

Crazy rock guitar track that takes no prisoners! I went through a wild guitar phase when I recorded this. Check out the Relentless album if you lik... download

If you like Chaka Khan you’ll like this new R&B composition – it’s all about how a song becomes 'our song'. If you’re familiar with the classic jaz... download

I struggled with this track for some time. All the versions I'd heard before didn't really grab me. I knew I should like it but couldn't get a hand... download