Jake - a tribute to Jacob CollierToo soon for a tribute to wunderkind Jacob Collier? I don't think so. This is a modern Jazz funk fusion groove as a tribute to ¦Jacob Collier¦ download Uptown, Downtown (Play The Funky Music)Funky jazz fusion original song with earworm synth bass line and fretless solo. Old school, four on the floor funk! Partay! 2020 remix. Real Horns ... download Get StickyModern Jazz Funk Groove in E Minor Pentatonic @ 120bpm. It's in the style of ¦Herbie Hancock¦, ¦Jacob Collier¦, ¦Vulfpeck¦ with some ¦Larry Carlton... download Fusion Schmoozin'Cool Jazz fusion instrumental with a modern take. It's in the style of ¦Herbie Hancock¦, ¦Jacob Collier¦, ¦Vulfpeck¦ with some ¦Larry Carlton¦ thro... download 12 Steps BluesIronically not a 12 bar blues but another popular form, the16 bar blues this time in D major featuring slide guitar tuned to open G. Yet another no... download Miss MarleneBlues rock song in E major, jam in C# pentatonic. This has nothing to do with the ¦Donald Fagan¦ track of the same name, it's much more blues rock ... download Bad Habits, Good IntentionsThis is an upbeat track which is a16 bar blues guitar groove jam in G Major. It's very much in the style of ¦Larry Carlton¦ my main man as far as ... download Let The Good Times RollNasty modern Rock & Roll tune with a blues feel download Gambling Man12 bar Blues in D Major Featuring a Gibson J-45 acoustic tuned to open D. It's a protest song about the 'man' and how he controls us through our vi... download Ain't No Right Way To Play The BluesCajun swamp music, New Orleans style, front line funk bounce beat, 90 bpm, E pentatonic country rock, The Meters perhaps or maybe ¦Joe Bonamassa¦ w... download Company ManA Chicago Blues groove download Good Old Fashioned Rock and RollI was delighted and somewhat surprised to discover thought no one had written a song called 'good old fashioned rock and roll' so I thought I would. download Cocaine (is gonna fuck your brain)You've got to dig this track because it has just one chord! Basically a groove in the guitarists fave key E. Warning. Restricted content - contains... download Whenever You’re Ready by Inspector LloydIn 1975 Ben and Phil and Funky John AKA Inspector Lloyd signed with Fresh Air Records. This track was to be their debut single 'Whenever You're Rea... download CrossroadsClosely related to "Cross Road Blues " (also known as " Crossroads ") but is not the Robert Johnson classic rather a new, original blues compositio... download Backdoor ManNothing to do with the Blues original (by ¦Willie Dixon¦ and recorded by ¦Howlin' Wolf¦ in 1960, also famously performed by ¦the Doors¦ on their de... download Say My Name'Say my name' is easy listening, clean blues with a story. download |