A country tune for Men! Warning, look away if you don't like rock cliches! download

Sun, sand, beaches and jazz! The nearest I'll get to a jazz cruise. download

George Duke really had the groove down like no one else and the track Smiley Face took his 'it's on' from his After Hours album as a starting point. download

This track has nothing to do with the Miles Davis track of the same name. There's a scorcher of a guitar solo on Naima (if I say so myself). download

Music for driving along the pacific coast in California! Knowing me you might think the title has something to do with Miles. Not at all. More like... download

Another more traditional jazz track from the Grooves album is Absent Friends. I was looking to swing and it seems to have worked. Basically a 12 ba... download

If you love the groove then George should be one of your go to guys! I love electric piano and been listening to him a lot recently for inspiration... download

I wrote a nice gospel like theme for this one. Indeed it progresses into a real 'jump up church' groove complete with handclaps. download

Funk against Trump! Join the campaign by downloading this. download

Guys, can you handle it? The ‘rock for real men’ album is Man Rock for the Man Cave. Yes, if you like hard rock and scantily clad, nubile women the... download

Do you have a secret heart? A ballad given modern, nuanced vocal treatment by the talented Inna Walters on vocals. download

A duet featuring the vocal talents of two of Soundcloud’s top rated vocalists; Vocalatti and Ty. download

This song is a sort of an Adele angst ballad - lost love, poignant – given modern, nuanced big Diva treatment by the talented Sam on vocals. download

My cover of the rocker of the White album. Always great. download

They played this on their final rooftop concert. One of my fave Beatles tracks download

This always makes me cheer up! Try it. One of my fave Beatles tracks download

An original composition inspired by the Ronnie Laws' track 'Always There' - hence the title!. I play all instruments, arrange, produce the track. ... download

An original composition that boogies along. This has loads of strings and horns you my recognise are inspired by Earth, Wind and Fire. I play all ... download