Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 3: The 1970'sThe 1970's was the decade when lead guitar and lead guitar solos became sophisticated more The Best Guitar Amps by GenreThinking of buying an amp? Don't until you read this amplifier purchase advice. more The Top 50 ranked guitaristsWho are the top fifty rock guitarists of all time? You might be surprised who is number one in the list! Voted for by guitarists for guitarists. Fi... more Fender Guitars TimelineGot a Strat? Or maybe a Tele? Rock & Roll just wouldn't be the same without Fender. Check out this complete history of Fender guitars in an interac... more The Three types of GuitaristsThere are three types of guitarist - know who they are? Well read this and you will find out. I warn you, it's not what you think! more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 8: The 2020'sA new sort of guitarist emerged in the 2020's - they don't play, they teach! Is this really the end or a new beginning? more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 7: The 2010'sThe 2010's saw the final demise of the Lead Guitar solo and with it the lead guitarist disappeared. Where did they go? more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 6: The 2000'sAfter a good run the 2000's marked the beginning of the end for lead guitarists. The first decade of the 21st century witnessed the last throes of ... more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 5: The 1990'sThe 1990s was a decade of transition for lead guitar, Indie rock was in but the solo was in decline although guitarists were still hanging in there more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 4: The 1980'sIn the 1980's lead guitarist were playing stadiums and lead guitar solos still ruled more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 2: The 1960'sThe 1960's were the golden era of lead guitar and lead guitar solos, the decade when the lead guitarist was king! more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 1: The 1950'sThe decade when Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists took off - the 1950's. How guitarists became the elite musicians in the second half of the 20th ce... more Good Old Fashioned Rock 'n' Rolla 2024 version of Good Old Fashioned Rock 'n' Roll performed by the ¦Skinny White Rock Chicks¦. download Do you hate the New Rolling Stones Album?Who doesn't love the Stones? more Home At Last (lead guitar LIVE jam)I'm jamming to the backing track, I thought guitarists might find this interesting. Enjoy jamming along to a track in the style of ¦Steely Dan¦ I a... download Let The Good Times RollNasty modern Rock & Roll tune with a blues feel download Gambling Man12 bar Blues in D Major Featuring a Gibson J-45 acoustic tuned to open D. It's a protest song about the 'man' and how he controls us through our vi... download |