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Play: Good Old Fashioned Rock and Roll
I was delighted and somewhat surprised to discover thought no one had written a song called 'good old fashioned rock and roll' so I thought I would.
Fun Facts
- Bob Seger had done a track called old rock and roll but no one else had
- I produced the track to have every cliche in the book you can never get enough harmony guitars in my opinion so you have no less than three different melody lines
- the video is over the top jam packed with rock and roll video cliches but never takes itself seriously it is tongue in cheek
- I play all the instruments including drums on this track and including all vocals
what do I think?
You can write a R&R song in 20 minutes. When I write songs I sing something, anything, just to get started. That's what happened here. The title just popped out and it stuck!
More harmony guitar parts than any R&R track should have but hey, R&R is meant to be over the top, bite me!
I've unashamedly used every cliché in the book. How many can you spot? Comment below.
There's Led Zeppelin in there, can you spot it? There's some Lynyrd Skynyrd in there too.
Comment below or on the flyout menu.
I'd always wanted to write a song with R&R in the title - let me know if you like it.
If you get offended easily, you might as well f*ck off now!