My fave 80's ballad with a guitar solo played on a 100W marshall stack. Musicians: Benny, Luke Tunney (Horns) Rom Parol (drums) Lyn Edmenson (Bass)... download

This one chuggs along nicely and has two solos for the price of one! An older track from 2011 it still holds up. download

A laid back tune with one of my favourite solos. This song became 'Where were You?' in 2014 with a vocal by Vocalatti. download

This one has a bit of flute (synth), an instrument I don't like usually. The solo is a long time coming but well worth the wait! download

This track could do with some real horns but still enjoyable! download

The title says it all about this track! very simple piano, guitar drums. download

A jazzy instrumental. One of my first attempts when I took up music again in 2010 download

This one's a sort of R&B pop track that turned out to be Euro pop. Maybe I should enter it to Eurovision! Feat Laura on vocals download

Kinda FM rock. The sort of track you might hear on the TV show Glee. Feat AJ Lewis on vocals. Inna on backing vocals. download