A Night In Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie cover
A Night In Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie cover

I'd had this track in mind for some time but couldn't see how to approach it - until I actually did! It's another great jazz standard with that strong piano bass line. I put a House beat over the top, keeping the acoustic drums. I gave up on the guitar playing the main melody line, opting for synth instead. The solo fell into place quite naturally and, a couple of mixing hours later, it was done. Well as far as any track is done - they say you never finish a track, you just stop working on it!

"A Night in Tunisia" or "Night in Tunisia" is a musical composition written by Dizzy Gillespie circa 1941-2 while Gillespie was playing with the Benny Carter Band.

A Night In Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie cover is a cover track originally written by Dizzy Gillespie.

This cover track was first made available on this website in 2016 though recording precedes that. Non-Mechanical Copyright remains with the original author and can be fully ascertained from registrations with the appropriate representatives.

A Night In Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie cover is a jazz and Standards track.

Benny Sutton plays all instruments on A Night In Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie cover especially with emphasis to guitar and keyboards (unless otherwise noted). All other instruments are virtual (VST) and either played directly as MIDI from a MIDI keyboard or sequenced directly into a MIDI editor.

Benny also does all arrangements, produces, and engineers all recordings in his home studio using Cubase as his DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

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