Latest music pages in the retro genre

Will Taylor Swift and Harry Styles get married in 2025? Will it mean a new Taylor Swift album when they break up? Trigger warning Swifties, have yo... download

Classic retro pop ballad in the AOR genre (Adult Oriented Rock). This original tune has an unusual time signature of 6/8 download

Classic 60's Retro pop song, ear candy download

Classic 60's Retro pop song, ear candy download

Classic Retro pop song sexy with harmony guitar solo 110 bpm in F Major download

Classic 60's Retro pop song, ear candy download

Modern R&B pop song in the style of Joe, Justin Bieber. download

Classic 60's Retro pop song, ear candy download

Country Pop Rock original song romantic download

Upbeat, original, pop song Credits: written, produced and all instruments performed by Benny Sutton copyright vocals Christian Erik download
