Sexyy Red discographyA complete timeline discography of Sexyy Red single and album releases in an interactive infographic. more Music Annual Revenue CalculatorsThis page provides tools to calculate streaming revenue, gig revenue, and total annual earnings for musicians including a tool to estimate revenue ... more The most famous Musician FeudsWhich musicians are feuding and who are they feuding with? Want to know who's dissing who in the music world? Look no further... more Electronic Dance Music HistoryHey Ravers, check out this family tree showing all sub genres of Electronic Dance Music on a timeline from the 1980's to present day. Get Loved up! more Guitar Solos and Lead Guitarists. Part 3: The 1970'sThe 1970's was the decade when lead guitar and lead guitar solos became sophisticated more Michael Jackson Singles and Albums TimelineAll the singles and all the albums too in one place. A definitive discography for the 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson. Presented on a convenient time... more My Top 10 SongsMy best tracks, or at least the ones I like the most. See what you think! more My Rig RundownWanna know what pedals, amps, guitars, plugins, DAW and more I use? I spill the beans here. more How to create a great setlistKeeping your audience engaged at your gigs requires a great setlist . more N.W.A. classic albumsWant to know what date NWA released an an album? Here they are, all N.W.A. record releases with full track data! more Music Marketing Law #2 The CategoryThe second Law of Music Marketing, if you can't be first.. more The 1-6-4-5 chord progressionThe 1-6-4-5 chord progression (I-Vi-IV-V) is yet another of the most popular and enduring progressions in the pop, rock, and country genres. more Music Marketing Law #7 The Rule of SevenThe seventh Law of Music Marketing, the Rule of 7 Read this to find out what it is. more Take the Rockstar Challenge!Could you be a rock star? Find out! Here's a game to test your rock star skills more Music Legends who are in the 27 ClubWant to know who the musicians are who achieve Legend staus by joining the 27 Club by dying tragically at age 27? more How musicians can get blog coverageIf you are an aspiring musician looking for coverage on my blog, or any other blog for that matter, read this. more |