Read this if you want to get popular on SoundCloudWanna be popular on SoundCloud? I did, I used this strategy and I'll tell you how! more How musicians can get blog coverageIf you are an aspiring musician looking for coverage on my blog, or any other blog for that matter, read this. more Three ways that work to promote your YouTube music channelthe best strategies for promoting a music channel to succeed more How to play trumpet like Miles DavisIf I could find a trumpeter with the balls to play in the same soundspace as Miles I'd use him. more Music Marketing Law #11 Cover YourselfThe elenth and final Law of Music Marketing, cover yourself by planning for a future more Must know advice on how to record tracks for SoundcloudNeed some advice on how to prepare your tracks for SoundCloud? more Best ways to promote yourself and your channel on SoundCloudDon't try and promote yourself on Soundcloud before you read this. Everything a musician needs to know to promote yourself on SoundCloud more Music Marketing Law #10 Publicity, Popularity, and FameThe tenth law, and the best way to consolidate your career in the music industry is publicity more Don't Upload your MP3's to SoundCloud until you read this!Is there a right way to optimize your Soundcloud uploads? Read this to find out. more Music Marketing Law #5 FocusThe fifth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of focus more Musicians, don't do this on Soundcloud!Don'r try Soundcloud promotion without reading this first. What NOT to do to promote yourself on Soundcloud more YouTube for MusiciansGetting followers on SoundCloud for Free is easy. Read this to find out. more Music Marketing Law #3 The CategoryThe third Law of Music Marketing, the importance of the mind more Recording Studio GlossaryHow to fake your way through a recording session. Every term related to recording you need to look cool is here. more Music Marketing Law #8 TimingThe eighth Law of Music Marketing, the importance of Synchronicity, timing, and luck more Music Marketing Law #6 SacrificeThe sixth Law of Music Marketing, the law of sacrific more The Aeolian Vamp chord progressionYou won't believe how many of your favorite songs use the Aeolian Vamp chord progression! Discover the secrets of this chord progression and the tr... more The Top 20 guitarists in the 1980'sWho are the top 20 guitarists of the 1980's? You might be surprised who is number one in the list! Voted by guitarists for guitarists. Find out now! more |