Don't miss out, this simple strategy that works to get your music noticed

Don't miss out, this simple strategy that works to get your music noticed
Don't miss out, this simple strategy that works to get your music noticed

You've heard the saying...

No publicity is bad publicity

Do you need talent to succeed?

The best way to consolidate your career in the music industry might not depend on what you might expect, your talent.

The one proven route is fame

The clue's in the name - popular music. The music industry is a popularity contest and what you do off stage will bring you as much attention as what you do onstage.

A whiff of scandal never hurt any musician.

I am not encouraging you to go at it like Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, notoriety has a short shelf life, much better to attach yourself to a good cause, that is always popular (and you don’t get shot at so often).

How to get famous as a musician

Being famous for being famous is not a new phenomenon.

Some tried and trusted ways to get attention…

  • Split your pants on stage
  • Tell the press where you are and punch a photographer when they show up!
  • Support climate change but arrive in a private jet

OK, that was my attempt at humour - but these and other variations have cemented musicians in the audience’s mind since the 60's.

It becomes part of your brand. Eddie Van Halen once said this...

if you want to be a rock star or just be famous, then run down the street naked, you’ll make the news or something. But if you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you’ll get to where you want to be


BTW trashing hotel rooms is so last week! And you must pay for the damage out of your advance earnings.

What’s the only other way to make it in the music biz? Apparently, you can sell your soul to the devil. I’m convinced that’s what Keith Richards must have done - that guy is an urban cockroach - no amount of drugs will kill him!

What can you earn as a musician from streaming?

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