Slip Sliding AlongThis one gets very 'heavy' not very 'umble! Sounds a bit dated but still chugs nicely download Hard TimesOne for the age of austerirty! Although written in 2011 I suppose it is a relevant as ever now? download HeadhuntingHere's a nod and a wink to Herbie Hancock. Recorded when I was first playing keys so not as technically good as my more recent stuff. download I see the lightThis one chuggs along nicely and has two solos for the price of one! An older track from 2011 it still holds up. download AlwaysThis track could do with some real horns but still enjoyable! A smooth jazz groove in the style of The Crusaders with a laid back groove. download A Warm Summer’s Night with FriendsThe title says it all about this track! you can imagine hangining out with some people close to your heart. Very simple piano, guitar drums. If you... download |