How musicians can get blog coverage

How musicians can get blog coverage
How musicians can get blog coverage

How To Ask What Can I do for You? Conclusion

If you are an aspiring musician looking for coverage on my blog, or any other blog for that matter, read this. The advice here will serve you well when pitching to me or to other blog sites too.

If you want me to promote you, you must post a permanent reciprocal link to the blog post on a searchable web page.

 This requires you to have your own website. No website? You should. A website is the best thing ever for music promotion, get one and try again when you do.

How to ask me for coverage

OK, you have a website, you agree to backlinks, what next?

send the following by email

  1. A followable link to your music/website
  2. Initially a short (200 words) precise pitch - who, what, why, when, where
  3. If you have a press release attach it but I may not even look at it unless I like the music first

I get multiple requests for coverage every week from aspiring musicians and from all over the World. I try to listen to it all, but I must admit I often don't have the time. If you don't hear back from me, move on.

What I'm not interested in...

  1. Be polite
  2. Don't boast or brag, just the facts
  3. No Demo's. Only submit technically recorded/mastered tracks.
  4. Don't send music files as email attachments
  5. Anything that isn’t music.

What Can I do for You?

Once accepted I can help you promote your music in two ways.

If you don’t have a background in IT you may be scratching your head about now. In simple terms search engines and social platforms set store by back links from trusted, authoritative, and relevant websites. It's an exercise in cross-pollination search SEO for more information



Let’s make it happen!

NEXT >> how to become a professional musician
