Where have my SoundCloud Plays Gone?

Where have my SoundCloud Plays Gone?
Where have my SoundCloud Plays Gone?

I was mortified to see my play count had reduced by 40,000 plays over night.

on my profile page it says 1.2M

on my stats - all time is 800K

I wondered, why the discrepancy?

I contacted SoundCloud support, this is what they said...

SoundCloud support reply

Thanks for your patience here and we’re sorry about any confusion.

Our team made a change to how audience and track data is ingested to make it easier for us to build new and exciting features for you in the Insights experience.

Your all-time play count in your Insights might have temporarily decreased as a result of this. We are working on fixing this and you can expect your all-time play count to be accurate again in the short term.

Furthermore as a result of this work, only data from 2016 on is now available in Insights for creators. While this caused data from 2015 or earlier to no longer be accessible within Insights, please note that the play counts on your tracks and follower numbers on your profile still represent the lifetime totals, they will just not show in the Insights view.

As always, feel free to share if this impacts your SoundCloud experience as your feedback is important to us.


Don't panic if you have lost plays - they will return!