To succeed in any business you need a confluence of favorable factors, usually, in a short time window. Some call it Synchronicity.
Synchronicity is defined as the supposedly random or coincidental occurrence of events that converge for a particular result. Like life itself!
Of course you can't rely on mystical events to break your musical career. But you can manipulate time and a place. More precisely, being in the right place at the right time.
- Did you know the famous guitarists Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and Jeff Beck all came from the same small area of suburban Surrey, the stockbroker belt. They all knew each other, they were born within 15 months of each other, they jammed together, went to the same schools, all were guitarists in the Yardbirds. It was the UK blues boom of the '60s.
- Before that, we all know about the 60’s Mersey sound explosion giving us, amongst others, The Beatles
- The same happened with Grunge, a word that became synonymous with the Seattle sound of the early 90’s, and bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden.
You need to be able to teach yourself how to recognize time limited opportunities and seize them. Start now.
Where is there an up-and-coming music scene anywhere in the world that interests you? Move there!
You need to be in the right place at the right time – and you also need a dollop of Luck. So much so, if you asked me what I would sooner be, lucky or talented, I’d take lucky every time.