Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller
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Renowned for his virtuosic bass playing and prolific career as a composer and producer, Marcus Miller stands as a titan in contemporary jazz and funk music.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Miller's innovative bass lines have graced albums by luminaries such as Miles Davis, Luther Vandross, and Herbie Hancock, cementing his status as a master of his craft.

Just how good is Marcus Miller?

Miles Davis had been in the musical wasteland for some years when he met with young, unknown Marcus. Miles’ main talent was not his trumpet but his band leading and ability to spot new talent.

Marcus had written and recorded an album called Tutu. When Miles heard it he insisted on playing over it, making it his. It was released as a Miles Davis album and was the first in a line of collaborations that put Marcus on the map, such as Amandla.

That’s how good Marcus Miller is!


His solo work showcases a seamless fusion of jazz, R&B, and fusion, earning him critical acclaim and multiple Grammy Awards.

Marcus is one of those rare artistes that is One of One. So unique he occupies his own musical universe.


When asked in early sessions how well he could read music he replied…

Look, I’ve been playing Bach, I’m sure I can keep up with anything you can throw at me!

Marcus Miller Albums

See also miles davis classic albums timeline

Songs: Tutu, Amandla, Free

Gear: Fender Jazz Bass   

Marcus Miller Career Data

Marcus Miller career duration
Marcus Miller peak popularity