The Jpeg Class

This is the main workhorse of the application.

It handles all resizing and metadata operations

You can load it from a file on your disk or from an uploaded file stream. Here we load it from a file uploaded in a photo model

You call it like this…

              using (Jpeg jpeg = new Jpeg(model.UploadedFile))


                            // EDIT TO MEET YOUR NEEDS

                            jpeg.Copyright = "";

                            jpeg.Creator = photo.Creator;

                            jpeg.Country = "country not set";

                            jpeg.Headline = "headline not set";

                            jpeg.Keywords = photo.Keywords;

                            jpeg.Software = "ADz";

                            jpeg.Subject = photo.Description;

                            jpeg.Title = "Title not set";





                              photo.Id.ToString() + ".jpg",




                               photo.Id.ToString() + ".jpg",




                              photo.Id.ToString() + ".jpg",



using ImageMagick;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;

namespace Ben.Classes

    /// A class that takes a png/gif/jpg and automatically saves it to the only filetype you'll ever need - jpeg.
    /// A wrapper class for ImageMagick that gets the important stuff 
    /// from an image file's metadata so that you can do neat sh*t with it!
    ///  free to use - distributed under the [MIT License](Learn more at
    /// Requires Ben.Classes.ExtensionHelpers 
    public class Jpeg : IDisposable
        private MagickImage _image;
        private string _keywords;

        /// load from an image file on your hard disk
        /// root relative virtual path to the script or path for the current request e.g. ~/admin/imagename.jpg or /admin/imagename.jpg 
        public Jpeg(string rootpath)
            // prevent accidental reloading on top of existing
            if (!_image.IsNull()) throw new Exception("Image already loaded");

            if (!rootpath.GetFileName().IsImage()) throw new Exception("File does not have an image file extension");

             if (!File.Exists(rootpath.PhysicalPathFromRootPath())) throw new Exception("The file specified to load does not exist");

            Source = rootpath.GetFileName();

           _image = new MagickImage(rootpath.PhysicalPathFromRootPath());


        ///  load from another MagickImage image
        public Jpeg(MagickImage image)
            // prevent accidental reloading on top of existing
            if (!_image.IsNull()) throw new Exception("Image already loaded");

            if (!image.FileName.IsImage()) throw new Exception("File does not have an image file extension");

            Source = image.FileName;

            _image = image;


        /// load an image (png/gif/jpg format) from a file upload
        /// an image file uploaded from a client
        public Jpeg(HttpPostedFileBase httpPostedFile)
            // prevent accidental reloading on top of existing
            if (!_image.IsNull()) throw new Exception("Image already loaded");

            if (!httpPostedFile.FileName.GetFileName().IsImage()) throw new Exception("File does not have an image file extension");

                Source = httpPostedFile.FileName.GetFileName();

                _image = new MagickImage(httpPostedFile.InputStream);

        /// persist existing metadata values (if any) to property values
        private void Init()
            IExifProfile exifprofile = _image.GetExifProfile();
            if (exifprofile != null)
                if (exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Copyright) != null) { Copyright = exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Copyright).ToString(); }
                if (exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Artist) != null) { Creator = exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Artist).ToString(); }
                if (exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.ImageDescription) != null) { Subject = exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.ImageDescription).ToString(); }
                if (exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Software) != null) { Software = exifprofile.GetValue(ExifTag.Software).ToString(); }
            IIptcProfile iptcprofile = _image.GetIptcProfile();
            if (iptcprofile != null)
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Country) != null) { Country = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Country).ToString(); }
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Headline) != null) { Headline = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Headline).ToString(); }
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Keyword) != null) { Keywords = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Keyword).ToString(); }
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Source) != null) { Source = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Source).ToString(); }
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Caption) != null) { Subject = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Caption).ToString(); }
                if (iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Title) != null) { Title = iptcprofile.GetValue(IptcTag.Title).ToString(); }

        public bool Save(string rootpath)
            bool success = false;

            ImageMagick.ExifProfile exifprofile = new ImageMagick.ExifProfile();
            exifprofile.SetValue(ExifTag.Copyright, " ©" + Copyright);
            exifprofile.SetValue(ExifTag.Artist, Creator);
            exifprofile.SetValue(ExifTag.ImageDescription, Subject);
            exifprofile.SetValue(ExifTag.Software, Software);

            ImageMagick.IptcProfile iptcprofile = new ImageMagick.IptcProfile();
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.CopyrightNotice, "No Unauthorized reproduction ©" + Copyright);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Byline, Creator);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Country, Country);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Headline, Headline);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Keyword, Keywords);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Source, Source);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Caption, Subject);
            iptcprofile.SetValue(IptcTag.Title, Title);

            success = true;

            return success;

        /// Save the image to a JPEG 
        /// Optionally resize the image to a value between 100 and 3000 pixels (longest side)
        /// the virtual path on the server to save to e.g. "~/images/" 
        /// the name of the file that you want to save to (including ".jpg" extension)
        /// allow/stop overwriting of existing file
        /// requires Ben.ExtensionHelpers
        public void ResizeAndSave(string rootpathToSaveTo, string fileName, int resizeTo = 0, bool overWrite = true)
            // validation of parameters passed in and check path related constraints
            // bit of a code smell here but validation code below only happens in this method so do not refactor for now... 
            string physicalSaveToFolder = rootpathToSaveTo.PhysicalPathFromRootPath(); // convert virtual website path to server file system path
            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalSaveToFolder)) throw new Exception("The directory specified to save to does not exist");
            fileName = string.Join("", fileName.Split(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())); // remove any accidentally passed in characters that are illegal in a filename e.g.  / \ [ ] : ; | , ?
            Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, "jpg"); // ensure the filename is jpeg compliant - needed for the automatic encoder later
            string filepath = Path.Combine(physicalSaveToFolder, fileName);
            if (overWrite = false && File.Exists(filepath)) throw new Exception("This would overwrite an existing file"); // to stop overwriting of existing file if parameter overwite = false

            // resize image to max number of pixels longest side 

            // limit minimum and maximum file dimensions
            if (resizeTo >= 1 && !Enumerable.Range(100, 3000).Contains(resizeTo)) throw new Exception("The file size specified to save to must be between 100px and 3000px");

            var size = _image.Height <= _image.Width
                 ? new MagickGeometry(resizeTo, 0)
                 : new MagickGeometry(0, resizeTo);

            size.IgnoreAspectRatio = false;

            MagickImage clone = new MagickImage(_image);


        /// resets Keywords - when you add keywords with multiple calls to Keyword they are preserved so this is the only way to reset them - don't forget to call Save() afterwards
        public void ClearKeywords()
            _keywords = "";

        /// Allows you to loop through all the fields e.g. on a razor page
        /// Ben.Classes.Jpeg magickMetadata = new Ben.Classes.Jpeg(filename);
        /// Dictionary myDictionary = magickMetadata.ClassPropertiesToDictionary();
        /// a dictionary of field names and values
        public Dictionary ClassPropertiesToDictionary()
            return this.GetType()
        .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
             .ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => prop.GetValue(this, null));

        #region AutoImplementedProperties 

        /// used to show copyright notice NOTE the copyright symbol © gets automatically prepended
        public string Copyright { get; set; }

        /// use to show the name of the person who took the photo and/or user who uploaded 
        public string Creator { get; set; }

        public string Country { get; set; }

        public string Headline { get; set; }

        /// Keywords NOTE if you call multiple times values will be appended not overwritten - call KeywordsClear() to reset 
        public string Keywords
                return _keywords;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_keywords))
                    _keywords = value;
                    _keywords = _keywords + " " + value;

        public string Software { get; set; }

        public string Source { get; internal set; }

        public string Subject { get; set; }

        public string Title { get; set; }


        // DISPOSE
        public void Dispose()
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